Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Ella Marta

My sweet and sassy Ella is 4 today.
left; Ella wanted a pink and orange flower cake. I did my best.
right; her new favorite toy my pal Scout
left; Ella and Penny and their matching puppies. Penny got her puppy for her birthday and Ella really wanted it so Grammy June delivered.
right; momma and the birthday girl

4 years ago today God made me a mother for the forth time and I didn't even know it. A tiny baby girls was born in Guatemala and God had a plan for her and for me. Every birthday I feel so blessed by my childeren but on Ella Birthday I feel just a little more blessed. I am amazed by Gods work on this special day. I am in awe of the grandness of his plan. A family in Michigan... A baby girls in Guatemala... A birthmother who's love for her child is unimaginable. And it all brought together for His glory.

Today I celebrate Ella, but I can't help but wonder who is mourning today. I think of Antonia allot (Ella's birthmother). Of the chooses she made. I wonder how hard it was for her to come this decision. I wonder if she think of Ella, If her heart breaks for her. If she misses her. I pray for her.

I CELEBRATE Ella today. She is silly, wonderful, special. She is short with beautiful black hair and dark brown eyes. She is sweet and sassy. Very sassy. She is 4 today. Lets all CELEBRATE!

Mr. Tripp and I got calico critters for Ella. She loves them.
I love this birthday girl.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This totally made me cry. Praise God for Ella and his perfect plan for her. By the way....the cake is absolutely fabulous!!!

