Wednesday, July 14, 2010

day 6 dinos, burgers and goats


Today was busy!
First we hit the rainforest adventure zoo. The kids loved it. Feeding the goats was a big hit with the kids.

Penny had an extra special moment with a sweet baby goat.

Then it was off to get lunch. We ate at Five Guys, burgers and fries. It was really good.


Finally we visited the Dinosaur walk museum. The kids liked it but I don't think it was worth the money.
Left; Ben was unsure of the dino's.
Right; Penny loved then all.
Left; Matt's on the menu
Right; Oh Mr. Tripp
Left; Ella's daily melt down, yes this happens every day.
Right; Ben finally got brave and got close to the dino's face.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Ella, Love that picture of Penny and the goat !! Gosh you guys have done a tons of things and looks like it was great fun !!!!!! I'm bored !!! Come home !!!!!! LOL
