Saturday, September 18, 2010

Crime and Punishment

I would like to think my children are each others best friends. However that is not alway the case. Ben and Matt play the best together and when Ella's in the right mood she plays very well with Penelope. If no one is around Matt will play with Ella as long as she doesn't give him her "girl germs". Ben and Ella fight like cats and dogs. Ben love Penelope more that anything in the world and can't help but kiss and hug on her all the time. Sadly foe Ben Penelope doesn't feel the same way. PJ doesn't play well with anyone. Her would prefer it if every would just sit quietly and watch him play. I often wonder why and how our family dynamic is this way and if it will change as time passes and he kids grow.


The picture is Matt and Ella in a time out. They were fighting with each other (I think "girl germs' were involved) so Mr. Tripp put them in a time out and they had to hold hands the whole time. This was harder for Matt than Ella. Even if they are being punished, there aren't many thing that I think are as sweet as when my kids hold hands with each other. I am not big on touchy feely stuff but I do love a good hand holding. Mr. Tripp has my favorite hands to hold. But please don't tell the kids this, every time I am holding one of their hands, no matter who's I always whisper to them that their hand is my favorite to hold. And At that moment in time it is.



  1. Awww, this post made me a little misty eyed!

  2. I'm sure Matt hated it the whole time !! Lol..
    Great Idea !
