It was over a year ago I posted this on facebook. It still rings true today.
"I pray on a daily basis. I pray for my family, friends, thank God for all the blessings in my life and talk with him about the struggle. For the last two months or so I have also been praying about our hosing. I ask that God will make me content with the home that he has provided us with and give us wisdom and make a way when it is in his time to move into something bigger.
Lets please be clear that I am SO VERY GRATEFUL for the home that God has given. But lately it is feeling very tight for the 7 of us. My prayer has been leaning towards the "give me a new house" rather than "give me contentment with what you have given me".
This past Sunday at church are pastor quoted "it takes a steady hand to hold a full cup". This hit home with me. I sit here looking around my house and YIKES! It looks like a toy box, washing machine and Martha Stewart's craft department exploded all over my house. Piles of laundry to be folded and up away, toys every were, unfinished projects, and the list goes on. I can just barely see my dinning room table underneath all the mess.
"It takes a steady hand to hold a full cup". God has already given me a full cup that my hand is not steady enough to hold. I have decided to stop my prays for a bigger house and I am going to pray that God will help steady my hands so that I can manage the home he has given me.
How steady are your hands?"
I still pray quite often for a new house and sadly my hand is still not steady enough to hold the cup that I have been given. My heart longs for contentment. I wonder if this will be a life long prayer. Maybe I will always struggle with a content heart.
I do look at my "full cup" differently now that a year has past. My cup is not only full but it is overflowing. Overflowing with grace, joy, love, faith, trust, peace, family, friends, healthily kids, a happy marriage, as well as my full and messy house.

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